Wednesday, June 13, 2007

War Deaths--Degrees of Magnitude

A Portrait of Evil


A Portrait of Evil

Gadabout is searching for answers on how opponents of the war in Iraq have successfully framed an argument based upon casualties. Before we move on, please let me make crystal clear that this discussion is based on the magnitude of war deaths compared to historical conflicts, and associated degree of “worthiness” associated with said conflict. I am not going to dive into any discussion of WMDs, Al-Qaeda, Humvee armor, UN resolutions, or any other rhetoric related to congressional or executive decision making.

During the 1960’s and 70’s Gadabout was deeply embroiled with his primary and secondary education in the Detroit public school system, and within those hallowed halls of learning he was taught that the atrocities of World War II, with its millions of civilian war deaths under the fist of Hitler could never again be possible because of the new world order. We, as a nation and a world, were deeply committed to never again allow an evil dictator to upset the gentle balance of peace and be allowed to engage in genocide. Boy, was I taken for a ride! It is estimated that 60 million died during WWII; 20 million military and 40 million civilian. 5.1 million deaths are attributed to the Holocaust. These numbers are debatable, but the degree of magnitude is what is important here.

Estimates on deaths related to the war on terrorism (primarily for Afghanistan and Iraq) are a bit tricky and smarter people than me are compiling the data, but the high side is around 1 million total deaths. The numbers that are concrete is the total coalition death count, which is roughly 3,700. But let’s not forget the 2,974 murders that occurred on September 11th. I’ll take a moment to inform the readership that nearly 3,000 murders is, in my opinion, reason enough to take the fight oversees and destroy those Islamic bastards who believe they can commit unchecked genocide on American soil.

Saddam Hussein killed up to 200,000 Kurds in the 1980’s. In 1994, the Rwandan Genocide between Hutu and Tutsi resulted in over a million horrific deaths. Some estimates of the death toll in Darfur exceed 400,000. These are just a handful of examples of genocide in our day. Americans are only informed on events in Darfur by a few television commercials and scant reports in a handful of the largest media outlets. Yep, “we’ll never allow evil governments to commit acts of genocide ever again—we learned our lesson with Hitler.”

During the Civil War, 700,000 soldiers died to preserve a nation. During World War II, over 400,000 American soldiers died to contain Japan and Germany (Germany never attacked the United States—should we have fought in Europe?). Over 60,000 died in Vietnam. Now, with the global balance of power in play with characters like Chavez, Ahmadinejad, and a laundry list of up and comers; atomic weapons procurement; genocide in Darfur and elsewhere, Americans are shouting for a complete withdrawal from Iraq. That would have wonderful results—regional and global destabilization and possible world war. Not a viable option, in my opinion.

More Americans died in one hour of fighting during the Battle of Shiloh than have died while defending our country overseas in our current war on terrorism. 16,000 Americans are murdered every year, and 40,000 highway fatalities occur every year in this country. These are just numbers, but numbers are often helpful in making decisions and understanding a degree of magnitude related to death and destruction, and whether a commitment of blood is worthy or not worthy. I wish we lived in a world where no Americans died in 9-11, but they did die. I pray for a day when our soldiers, marines, sailors and airman are out of harms way; but I don’t think that day is here.

Evil is lurking, and I am taking the position that Hitler was one of them and we should never allow genocide to ever flourish again. I believe our finest moment is at hand, and unfortunately the cost of success will be counted and documented with the dried ink of blood and misery. Gadabout will not sit back and chant peace, when a call for peace will cause further death and destruction. We were right to topple Saddam with our invasion, let us not label our decisions with shame.


Anonymous said...

Well said. I'm with you.

Anonymous said...

I agree very well said... You shoud run for President

Gadabout Jack said...

President Gadabout Jack...I like the ring of it!