Wednesday, May 30, 2007

FAA CFII Rating Completed

SunState Aviation Campus

New Horizons

Check ride completion
Doors opening and closing
Opaque beginnings

Gadabout received his Instrument Flight Instructor Rating (CFII) today. The check ride had its moments when all could have fallen apart, resulting in a "do over," but somehow I was able to meet the minimum standards as set forth by the FAA. The check ride was fair and challenging, and I believe Mr Bill Leach is a "cut above" designated examiner.

My personal thanks go out to Brian, Jeff, Steve, Nancy, Mike, Kieth, Ivan and the entire staff at SunState Aviation (pictured above--don't let the small appearance fool you) for the personal one-on-one instruction and guidance.

Gadabout will be traveling back to Virginia Thursday morning to reflect on his future.


Anonymous said...

Good job..... Congrats shipmate...

Anonymous said...

congrats homie!

Elizabeth said...

CONGRATULATIONS homeslice! I am sooooooo proud of you.... now you need to buy a plane! YEAH!!!!!!!


Aunt Shellie said...

Congratulations to you my brother!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jack! I was happy to work with you.
