Gadabout was recently forwarded this video from a close friend and I would like to take this opportunity to address the often neglected and tainted concepts of patriotism, citizenship and allegiance to moral standards. If you are at the office reading this, then you most likely will be blocked from watching the YouTube video I’ve posted above. In that case, go up Gadabout at home and watch it. The video is of Chicago Cub’s center fielder, Rick Monday, as he rescues the American Flag while playing at Dodger Stadium from a couple of punks in 1976 trying to set it afire. It is a mostly forgotten incident, but every time I view the clip I feel that swell of patriotism from hidden reaches deep inside that reminds me and reinforces the importance of doing the right thing whenever and wherever circumstances dictate.
Like most everyday citizens, I have passed such opportunities and learned life’s lessons the hard way – by turning a blind eye, realizing a mistake and vowing to be a better person henceforth. By the time we reach our teens, most of us know the difference between right and wrong and formulate moral fiber by our actions as we move through life. In 1972, Rick Monday made the right decision, and in those few moments captured on film we are offered a lasting gift; a lesson on patriotism and of right and wrong.
Once you watch the Rick Monday video and feel the pride of country (if you don’t feel it, then you are a lost cause), reminisce of how you felt when you watched Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, last night at the RNC convention. It has been a while since I felt truly proud to be an American. (And Gadabout is a 25 year navy veteran). I bathed in the feeling. It was comforting. It was welcomed. I was not expecting it, but Sarah Palin, out of center field, inspired me to “Man-up” and be proud of our beloved country. Thank you, Ms Vice President.
I can't wait to see her slice and dice that limp wristed sissy from Delaware in the debate. It is a sad state when a hot, very feminine babe has more stones than either of the two she-men on the democrat ticket.
I can't wait to see her slice and dice that limp wristed sissy from Delaware in the debate. It is a sad state when a hot, very feminine babe has more stones than either of the two she-men on the democrat ticket.
Hey Jaws,
Great to see you energized again! I do have a slight disagreement concerning your piece and admittedly it is a nuance, but an important one in my mind. I will always be proud of my country, no matter how f#@#ed up some President makes her look, for the simple reason of what our Declaration and our Constitution stand for and how we got them. They stand for freedom, opportunity, and equality for all who are willing to work hard and take advantage of what this country has to offer. So if I get upset with how the world or domestic affairs are going, and our leaders are playing a large role in that misguided effort, it's not our country's fault, it's the fault of that person who is misguidedly leading "us". The framework of what our country stands for, will always be there (unless we let politicians fiddle with the Constitution) so I have no reason to ever "not" be proud of my country. I just have to suck it up until our "system" corrects itself and we get the proper Leader back in the oval office! All the mechanisms are there for that to happen and that is what makes me (always proud) to be an AMERICAN!
V/r, Chop
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